
(2018) for tenor sax & electronics

programe note: A “carrack” was a large sailing ship used for trans-altantic slave trade. And in Spanish, “carraca”, also means “noisemaker”.

The piece is meant to evoke the imaginary journey of an African slave, captured by European conquistadors, and brought to America in one of these large vessels. In the course of the voyage, the slave sails through a turmoil of emotions: feelings of exile, loss, anger, frustration, memories of home and hope. The sonic trip sets sails towards an effusive sea, eventually confronting a violent storm, followed by a calmness where permeating motions of currents ceaselessly twirl. After the storm, the subject floats up to the wreckage and, amongst the debris, slowly drifts towards new land, where he regains a sense of terra firma, once again.

premiere: 29/08/18, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City, (MX)

tenor sax: Roberto Tercero

electronics: Diego Lozano

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